The range of refined products situated between lighter fractions, such as LPG or gasoline, and heavier products like as fuel oil is usually referred to as Middle Distillates. Examples include kerosene, jet fuel, gas and diesel oils, such as marine bunker fuels. Kerosene is processed for commercial and domestic heating, diesels are used for transportation, and jet fuel is used to power the engines of commercial and military aircraft.
We provide testing for refineries, tanker companies, traders, suppliers etc., for their crude oil, middle distillates and other petroleum products. The testing is provided to oil refineries and other clients, through a global hydrocarbons laboratory network staffed with experienced petroleum chemists and equipped with modern instrumentation. Our labs test to ASTM, ISO, IP, and other petroleum industry protocols.
In addition to providing the regular middle distillate testing and finished product quality checks, we also offer troubleshooting and contamination identification services. Our experienced team provides the expertise and resources you need to ensure a quality deliverable.
ASTM D4052 | Density @ 15°C/API Gravity |
ASTM D445 | Kinematic Viscosity @ 40° C |
ASTM D93 | Flash Point |
ASTM D4294 | Sulphur Content by EDXRF |
ASTM D5453 | Sulphur Content by UVF |
ASTM D4530 | Micro Carbon Residue |
ASTM D189 | Conradson Carbon Residue |
ASTM D524 | Ramsbottom Carbon Residue |
ASTM D482 | Ash Content |
IP 501 | Multi Element Analysis |
ASTM D97 | Upper Pour Point |
ASTM D95 | Water by Distillation |
ASTM D4377 | Water by Karl Fischer |
ASTM D4870 | Total Sediment by Extraction |
ASTM D664 | Total Acid Number |
ASTM D2500 | Cloud Point |
ASTM D6371 | Cold Filter Plugging Point |
ASTM D130 | Copper Strip Corrosion Test |
ASTM D4737 | Cetane Index |
ASTM D613 | Cetane Number – Engine Method |
ASTM D86 | Distillation of petroleum products at atmospheric pressure |
ASTM D6079 | Lubricity by High Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR) |
ASTM D2709 | Water & Sediment |
ASTM D2624 | Electrical Conductivity Measurements |
ASTM D7371/EN 14078 | Biodiesel Content Estimation in Diesels by FTIR |
ASTM D2274 | Oxidation Stability of Middle Distillate Fuels |
ASTM D7619 | Particle Counting by Automatic Particle Counter |
Kit | Microbial Analysis – Bacteria, fungal contamination |
V-TIC Service is committed to not just the what, but the how and the why; going beyond just reporting test results. We work with our clients extensively to understand their problems, perform Root Cause Analysis and propose solutions.
Contamination? Off-spec tank? Need a blend? Our R&D and Lab experts are here to help.
V-TIC Services provides full gasoline testing to suppliers, traders, refiners, distributors, storage, and transportation companies. Testing is provided through a global hydrocarbons laboratory network staffed with experienced petroleum chemists and equipped with modern instrumentation. The crude oil, gasoline, naphtha, and petroleum labs test to ASTM, ISO, IP, and other petroleum industry protocols.
In addition to providing the regular gasoline, naphtha, and other light distillates testing we also offer troubleshooting and contamination identification services. Our experienced team provides the expertise and resources you need to ensure a quality deliverable.
ASTM D5191 | Vapor Pressure |
ASTM D86 | Distillation Temperatures |
ASTM D5453 | Sulfur content |
ASTM D2622 | Sulfur content by Wavelength XRF |
ASTM D130 | Copper Strip Corrosion |
ASTM D7667 | Silver Strip Corrosion |
ASTM D381 | Gum Content |
ASTM D525 | Oxidation Stability |
ASTM D2699 | Research Octane Number |
ASTM D2700 | Motor Octane Number |
ASTM D4052 | Density by digital density meter |
ASTM D119 | Aromatics, Olefins and Saturates – FIA analysis |
ASTM D3341 | Lead Content |
ASTM D5580 | BTEX & total aromatics by GC |
ASTM D4176 | Free Water & particulate contamination |
ASTM D3227 | Mercaptan Sulfur |
ASTM D4815 | MTBE Content – Oxygenates in Gasoline |
ASTM D3231 | Phosphorus Content |
ASTM D4814 | Drivability Index & Vapor Liquid Ratio Calculations |
ASTM D6304 | Water content by Karl Fischer |