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RESIDUAL FUELS - Carbon Black, Clarified and Slurry Oil Testing

Residuum from vacuum distillation and cracking processes are typically called residual fuels. Residual fuels are primarily used in marine diesel applications and in industrial boilers. If necessary, gas oil or kerosene streams are blended to achieve the desired properties (i.e. viscosity etc.) for various industrial applications.

Testing is provided to oil refineries, oil suppliers, traders, and other clients, through a global hydrocarbons laboratory network staffed with experienced petroleum chemists and equipped with modern instrumentation. The crude oil and petroleum labs test to ASTM, ISO, IP, and other petroleum industry protocols.

In addition to providing the regular residual fuel testing, finished product quality checks, we also offer troubleshooting and contamination identification services. Our experienced team provides the expertise and resources you need to ensure a quality deliverable.


ASTM D4052Density @ 15°C/API Gravity
ASTM D445Kinematic Viscosity @ 50° C
ASTM D93Flash Point
UOP 163Hydrogen Sulfide
ASTM D4294Sulphur Content by EDXRF
ASTM D4530Micro Carbon Residue
ASTM D189Conradson Carbon Residue
ASTM D524Ramsbottom Carbon Residue
ASTM D97Upper Pour Point
ASTM D95Water by Distillation
ASTM D4377Water by Karl Fischer
ASTM D4870Total Sediment by Extraction
ISO 10307-2Total Sediment Aging Procedures
ASTM D5184Aluminum & Silicon In Residual Fuels by ICP-AES
IP 501Multielement Analysis by ICP-AES
ASTM D664Total Acid Number
ASTM D6560Asphaltene in Residual Fuel
ASTM D240Heat of Combustion by Bomb Calorimeter
ASTM D1796Water & Sediment
ASTM D7845Chemical Species in Marine Fuel Oil by Multidimensional Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GCMS)


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